Friday, December 18, 2009

How do you pronounce "y" and "ll" in Spanish?

ll: Sounds like y

The ll sounds like the y in the English word yes, except in Argentina and Uruguay. In the pronunciation brackets, y signals the sound of ll.
Now try the ll sound, using the y sound, in the following examples:
  • brillo (bvree-yoh) (shine)
  • llama (yah-mah) (flame; also the name of an animal in Peru)
  • lluvia (yoo-bveeah) (rain)
Now a list of words pronounced as a reference for your practice:
  • Moncayo, billete, leyenda, yate, bocadillo, cuartilla, yugoslavo, valle, saya, pepinillo

  • allá, anteayer, ayuntamiento, ventanilla, bolsillo, ensayar, botella, joya, mayor, cartilla.


  1. Cool thanks! :)
    One word with "ll" I have trouble with is "cigarillo", you think you could post audio of that one?

  2. That was really helpful, thanks!

  3. Are you Mexican? I always learned like you describe above, but even in your audio, I hear more of a "shya" the 'sh' like 'pleasure' in English. I studied in Spain for a while, where it was more like "ya" or "ja" as some people have described. My boyfriend still says I'm saying it wrong, and there needs to be more of a "shya" like you have in the audio and I wrote above. Please help if possible! Thanks! - Caroline
