Monday, January 25, 2010

Asking a question to Carlos F. through Skype

My obsession is to help Anglophones students of Spanish try to speak in Spanish.
The problem for both Anglophones and Hispanics seems to be the same.
There is an initial fear of ridicule or not knowing what to say.
We have all felt that feeling in different measures, but this ends when we talk at least a basic couple of things to someone willing to listen to us with patience and to teach us to improve our pronunciation.
That's all ...If one does not dare How will we learn?

That's why I created an exercise that requires the participant have to interaction with me.

To participate you must use Skype (if you do not have it you can download it here) and follow these steps:

1. Post your question as a comment to this thread in Spanish and English too.

2. Please, call me by Skype (see the link below)

3. When we are in contact, you could say: "Hola Carlos, mi nombre es [your name] y quiero hacerte una pregunta".

4. Please, ask your question in Spanish (the same already typed in thread)

5. I will answer your question directly in Spanish and also I will type it on this blog.


- I suggest asking questions about pronunciation but can be otherwise.

- My availability will be known through the Skype status indicator (available/conectado, absent/ausente, busy/ocupado, offline/desconectado).

- Contact me here:
Mi estado

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