Monday, January 4, 2010

Poetic Text

The following five parts correspond to a poetic text whose title and author will be issued subsequently, together with the exercise response.

It is also necessary to comment that the exercise from now on will have some variations.

The first is that a person must choose only one part and not the full audio for transcription.

The second variation is that won't be necessary to translate the audio to English, since it is privileging the understanding of the audio in Spanish and their subsequent transcription into written text and also because there are exercises created by other members of SpanishDict that focus on the translation from Spanish to English.

The last variant has to do with the fact that the exercise is intended for all members wishing to participate without restriction level, whether beginner, intermediate or advanced. Given the diversity of content presented, it allows members involving himself in the part appropriate to their level.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

And now you can listen and understand the musical version of  this poem...

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